North Carolina Special Education – 10 Important Parent Resources

22 Jul 2024

If you are a North Carolina parent of a special education child, you’ve come to the right place. We understand the complexity of the special education system, but we are also knowledgeable of resources that can help. Keep reading to discover North Carolina special education parent resources that can make navigating the SPED system feel easier. 

1. Notice of Procedural Safeguards 

Looking for a good place to start? Start with the Notice of Procedural Safeguards. Quick tip, North Carolina’s Notice is also known as “Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities in Special Education”. This document explains your rights and the safeguards in place for you and your child. The Parent’s Rights document tries to explain everything clearly, but don’t worry if you find it difficult to fully comprehend. The next item on this list can help!

2. Disability Rights North Carolina

Being an advocate for your child means not only knowing your rights, but also how to ensure them. Disability Rights North Carolina can help with this. Their website contains many special education webinars and articles that go over many possible scenarios, common questions, and your rights. Disability Rights is a great compliment to the Parent’s Rights document mentioned above because they clearly explain your rights during each step of the process. Additionally, you can contact them if you need legal guidance for your child. 

3. Kidvokit of North Carolina 

The best way to prepare for IEP meetings is to stay organized. Keeping track of all the important paperwork and emails may seem daunting, but Kidvokit is a tool that can help. Kidvokit does the organizing for you so you can stay prepared. This tool has the ability to detect and archive IEP related emails, create a timeline with your important documents, and answer your IEP questions with its AI assistant. Visit our “How it Works” page to learn how Kidvokit can help you. 

4. Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center (ECAC)

Sometimes the internet doesn’t cut it and you need to speak to another human. If you feel this way,  Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center is the answer. ECAC is North Carolina’s nationally funded Parent Center and they offer in person, online, and by phone referrals and guidance. They also offer parent workshops and leadership trainings for youth! 

5. Legal Aid of North Carolina

If a problem arises, Legal Aid of North Carolina can help. They provide legal assistance, but the real benefit of their website is their legal guides. These guides walk you through what to do if you have a concern and explain the legal protections in place every step of the way. No one wants an issue to happen, but being familiar with Legal Aid of North Carolina’s website can help if it does. 

6. Duke Law’s Parent’s Guide to Special Education in North Carolina

Speaking of legal help, Duke Law has created a helpful Parent’s Guide for North Carolina parents. This guide can be downloaded or read online and includes topics such as discipline, private schools, evaluations, and much more. The great thing about their online guide is that each chapter is linked, saving you the time of skimming the whole document for a section. Duke’s Parent Guide is a great document to have saved for future questions.

7. Family Support Network of North Carolina 

Have you heard of a Parent Mentor? If not, we bet you’ll love this resource. Parent Mentors are parents of children with disabilities who have been trained to guide other parents. They provide great support and guidance because they have already walked the road you are currently on. You can find a Parent Mentor by visiting the Family Support Network’s website. Additionally, the Family Support Network also offers referrals and support groups! 

8. Facebook Groups

Another great platform for support groups is Facebook. Facebook provides a convenient way to connect with parents who are either in a similar situation as you or further along the road. These groups also tend to be a hub of information, as parents often share the resources. A few North Carolina based Facebook groups worth checking out are Wake County Special Needs Support Group, Literacy Moms NC, Autism Society of North Carolina, and TAC For Families.  

9. Special Education YouTube Channels

If you’re a visual learner, there are a few YouTube channels that you may enjoy. The Center for Parent Information and Resources’s YouTube channel is not specific to North Carolina, but has 90+ special education videos. If you prefer a North Carolina Specific channel, Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center also has a channel. Both of these channels contain valuable information in the form of past webinars, informational videos, and even some Vlogs. 


A national resource that is worth mentioning is Their mission is simple, everyone deserves to be Understood. Understood offers special education blogs written by professionals in the field. With a well organized website, Understood allows parents to learn about their child’s specific learning difference with ease. Visit for more information. 

North Carolina Special Education Resource Recap

Take a deep breath and acknowledge that you are doing good work. You are already advocating for your child and we hope the above resources make you feel stronger and more prepared while doing it. Remember, knowing your rights is key and there are multiple places in North Carolina to go for answers, referrals, and even support groups. North Carolina parents have many great resources and we hope this blog helped you find new ones!

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